eradicating rural poverty

O Contentor do Futuro?
Portugal faz bem. É este o nome da seção em que aparece artigo sobre nós na nova edição Exame Informatica (# 232 Outubro). E é um nome perfeito – de facto somos uma empresa portuguesa orgulhosa, fazendo a nossa parte para levar a mudança social com soluções inovadoras de energias renováveis e agua potável. Segue em baixo […]
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Some time ago I wrote about how KUDURA could be a triple-win solution for a sustainable development – it tackles economic, social and environmental challenges simultaneously.  Furthermore KUDURA operates in the area of the “Poverty-environment” nexus, formulated in 2005 by the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative, which states that: “Poor people depend on the environment for their livelihoods and well-being. Improved […]
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Kerosene lamps provide limited light, emit bad-smelling smoke and soot and are plagued with injury and death caused by accidental fires. If one could replace them all with low cost solar lamps, one would remove the danger of accident, and improve rural life. This is essentially the model that drives the market of solar portable […]
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